Web & Multimedia
Web & Multimedia
Phone: 402.479.4454
Email: ndot.web@nebraska.gov
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Manages, oversees, and coordinates the development, maintenance, and expansion of the NDOT public, employee and mobile websites, as well as multimedia sites used for agency business purposes.
Websites Managed:
- Follow @NebraskaDOT for upcoming road closure notices and safety related information.
- Follow @NDOTomaha for Omaha Highway Condition reports.
- Follow @Nebraska511 for unplanned and unexpected road closures across the state.
- Watch videos about work zone safety, winter driving, project updates, safety campaigns, historical, and training videos.
Provides multi-graphic arts and design, and typesetting support for all NDOT activities. Formulates and implements policies, procedures, and quality standards for controlling, designing, production of materials in both printed and electronic formats. NDOT personnel should not distribute materials that have not been reviewed by NDOT Communication Graphics.
Phone: 402.479.4541 or 402.479.4505
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Graphics Staff:
Diane German
Jim Pester
Services Available to All NDOT Staff:
- Artwork and Illustrations
- Booklets
- Brochures and Flyers
- Calling Cards (Business Cards)
- Digital Presentations (PowerPoint)
- Displays
- Engraving (Name Plates, Name Badges, and Signs)
- Invitations
- Plaques
- Posters
- Visual Aids
Consists of general photography and film processing of aerial photography, ID badges, official portraits, group photos, meetings, construction projects, special events, and audio and video production.
Phone: 402.479.4306
Email: ndot.photo@nebraska.gov
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Photo/Video Staff:
Clint Mangen
Samuel Malan
Services Available to All NDOT Staff:
- Color or Black & White Aerial Printing (9 x 9); Enlargements (up to 40” wide)
- Black and White Printing (up to 3’ x 6’)
- Computer Imaging
- Color Prints (Film and Digital)
- Digital Enlargements (up to 40” wide)
- General Photography (portraits, awards, groups, retirements, construction, equipment, etc.)
- Videotaping and Video Production