Learning and Organizational Development
Learning and Organizational Development
Learning & Development Manager: Jana Hoppe
Employee Experience Training Coordinator: Schyler Hearn
Technical Training Coordinator: Joey Muhr (Districts 4-8)
Senior Training Coordinator: Brian Kokesh (Districts 1-3)
Senior Training Coordinator: Craig Worley (Divisions)
Accessing Training Funds:
To request approval and coding for training funds, including in person and online training classes that need to be directly purchased by the participant or designee, please use the following procedure:
*Please note: Conference registrations (with exception of those listed below) are budgeted for within Division and District OEs. Please use your District/Division OE for conference registrations.
- Here is a list of current Division and district Training Liaisons as of March 4, 2024:
- District 1: Penny Clark
- District 2: Natalie Clark
- District 3: Heidi Brenneman
- District 4: Deanna Zeman
- District 5: Mindy Whiteley
- District 6: Ashley Willard, backup: Karen Swedberg
- District 7: Maggie Repass
- District 8: Erin Allen
- Aeronautics: Jeremy Borrell, Davey Jones
- Bridge: Megan Rodgers
- BTSD: Trish Sanchez, Tyler Carlson
- Comms & Public Policy: Melanie Murphy
- Construction: Brandi Deatrich
- Controller: Lily Kathee-Harner, Terri King
- Human Resources: Schyler Hearn, Joey Muhr, Craig Worley, Brian Kokesh
- Local Assistance: Travis Haberman
- Materials & Research: Alyssa Krueger
- Operations: Liz Salisbury, Madison Sherwood
- Program Management: Amy Starr, Brandi Jording, Steve Moore, Kimberly Baker, Jaime Kamarad
- Project Development: Brad Reid, Jason Jurgens, Erica Davis
- Right of Way: Jaqueline Schrotberger
- Roadway Design: Brandie Neemann, Todd Hill, Linda Piening
- Strategic Planning: Stephanie Camerone
- Traffic Engineering: Bill Kovarik, Scott Milliken, Jim Scott, Sherri Nelson
NDOT Learning and Development Funding Service Request
Training liaisons: please complete a service request via the link above to request coding for an approved training expense.
*The following conferences are budgeted for through HR will be paid for out of a different OE. Please contact your Training Coordinator if you plan to attend any of the following conferences:
- Bridge Conference
- Concrete Paving Conference
- Asphalt Paving Conference
- Tribal Summit
- ASCE/NITE Conference
- AASHTO Management Institute
- Floodplain and Stormwater Management (Hotchkiss Seminars)
- Technology Training Conference
- NLTA Convention
Requesting Reimbursement for Licenses and Certifications:
License and Certification Expense Reimbursement Form
Please complete this form if you would like reimbursement for a license or certification. This form should be completed by the individual requesting reimbursement.
License, Certification, Designation, and Professional Memberships: Expenses Allowed
Tuition Assistance:
- Tuition Reimbursement Policy
- NDOT Form 384 (Tuition Reimbursement Request)
Contact the Learning and OD Team at NDOT.LearningandODTeam@nebraska.gov.